동료들이 지켜보는 가운데 안락사를 통해 무지개다리를 건너는 경찰견 동영상이 보는 이들을 안타깝게 하고 있다.
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미국 텍사스주 히달고 카운티 보안관 사무소는 지난 15일 자신의 페이스북에 올해 10살로 접어드는 경찰견 아르고(Argo)의 마지막 모습을 담은 동영상을 게시했다.
아르고는 체코에서 태어난 체크 저먼 셰퍼드로 2006년 3월 태어나 20099년 8월 히달고카운티의 보안관 사무소에 왔다. 아르고는 추적 능력을 겸비한 마약탐지견으로 활약했다.
그러던 중 아르고는 뼈암 판정을 받았는데 온몸에 퍼져 고통이 극심했다. 이를 보다 못한 보안관사무소에서는 결국 고통을 덜어주기 위해 안락사 결정을 내렸고, 동료들이 지켜보는 앞에서 절차가 진행됐다.
보안관사무소는 서서히 눈을 감아가는 아르고에게 마지막 호출을 하고 임무가 끝이 났음을, 이제 편안히 쉴 것을 명했다. 보안관사무소 측은 다음달 11일 열리는 사우스텍사스 K9 경진대회에서 아르고를 추모할 예정이다.
Good morning friends.It is with a heavy heart that we wish to inform you of the passing of one of our K-9 working dogs, Argo.Argo was born on the 13th of March 2006 in the Czech Republic. Argo was a perfect example of his breed, the Czech German Shepherd. After being acquired from Creative Kennels in Turlock, California, he proudly began his training and service with the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office in August of 2009 and was partnered with LT Francisco Guerrero. Argo was a Narcotics Detection Dog that certified with the National Narcotics Detector Dog Association on a yearly basis as well as a skilled and relentless Police Tracking Dog. Argo was credited with taking thousands of pounds of dangerous drugs off of our streets as well as the apprehension of many dangerous felons.Argo was diagnosed with bone cancer, but refused to let it slow him down. Only after the pain became evident to his partner and the cancer was found to be all over his body and terminal, was the hard, painful, but loving decision made to end his suffering. Argo was given a small and private ceremony where he was honored with the traditional Last Call, given to those who pass in the line of duty.The HCSO is aware that a video was taken by a family member and released a few days ago that shows Argo's final moments and his Last Call. We would now like to share it with you, as we have given our K-9 handlers and Argo's family an appropriate time to grieve.Thank you for your kind words during this time. Argo will be publicly honored at the HCSO First Annual South Texas K9 Competition on November 10, 2015.We forever remain your humble servants.#myHCSO
Posted by Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office on 2015년 10월 15일 목요일
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